Wednesday, September 14, 2011

movie summary

In the movie “Transformers” Sam buy’s a car and he later finds out it is apart of an Alien Race.
Now he is set with his destany to save planet Earth from the Deciptacons wrath. the name of the alien car he had bought is Bumblebee. Bumblebee is like Sams gardian and he stays with him on Earth. Later Sam is introduse to the remaining Autobots, Optimis Prime, Jazz, Iron Hide, and Rachet. The Deciptacons find out that the Energon Cube is being held in the Hoover Dam. They come down to Earth reeking havoc on the human race and the Autobots. The Deciptacons were close to gettang ahold of the cube but however, the Autobt held their ground. After the big fight The Deciptacons decended back to space and left Earth alone all beacuse of the Autobots help. The conclusion of the movie is that the Autobots defeted the Deciptacons and saved planet Earth.

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